Decorative Edge Profile Collection

View a collection of fancy and decorative edge profiles for the Bistro bar tops and cafe tables. The edges are available in a variety of thicknesses, and can be made in either Brass, Bronze, Pewter, Zinc, or Stainless Steel. 

We can fabricate bar rails with decorative edges to be added to wood or stone tops.

Decorative edge profiles can be combined with solid metal tops for a seamless look that allows for complex shapes and long runs with few joints. 

In addition to this line of fancy edge profiles, our cast edges can be made with our regular standard edges originally designed for our wood countertops.

Edge Profiles

  • Choose from any of the above edge profiles.

  • Available in Stainless Steel, Brass, Bronze, Pewter, and Zinc

  • Thickness of edges may be customized; contact us for details.

  • Edges are made of 80% metal, which are bonded to a waterproof substrate.